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New Arrivals (Print)

The Chicago manual of style (2024)    The Clinician's Guide to CBT using Mind Over Mood    Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR (2022)    Dig deeper into the gospels    Growing strong daughters    Humbled: Welcoming the uncomfortable work of God    The last dance: encountering death and dying    The Twilight Years  MORE

New Arrivals (Ebooks)

The Biblical Hebrew Verb    Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practices    Non-Semitic Loanwords in the Hebrew Bible    The Bible Throughout the Ages : Its Nature, Interpretation, and Relevance for Today    Case studies in abnormal psychology    Mind Over Mood    Pathways of job-related negative behaviours    Tonal Counterpoint for the 21st-Century Musician: An Introduction  LIST

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The library is CLOSED during mid-semester break (17 Mar - 21 Mar)

​Pay your fines or renew your membership
on the go HERE!

Library Updates Mar 10

We are deeply grateful and delighted to announce that the renovation of the library is completed!

At the moment, we are eagerly awaiting the release of the "Temporary Occupation Permit" (TOP) from the authorities.
The interior design and layout you see is the result of rounds of imagining and reimagining. From colour scheme to dimmable lighting to the seating design of each zone, every aspect has been researched and tested, with the hope that our library will be an inviting and welcoming space for all. 
We are about building up the community through reading, contemplation, and dialogue; where ideas intersect, life stories resonate, and spiritual transformation take place and continue beyond our walls.

We plan to conduct a "soft opening" before the official launch. You will have the honour to be among the first to experience the new library and provide us with your feedback and suggestions, so the library can continue to improve to serve you better. Do continue to remember the library in your prayers. Thank you. 

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